Oregon Art On A Mission

Oregon art on a mission (OAM) is a 501 (c) 3 arts education organization, our mission is bringing free informal arts education and supplies to vulnerable underserved Oregonians in a warm and welcoming way, removing social, physical and financial barriers to art opportunities. The purpose of OAM, is helping people of all ages and abilities get in touch with their inner artist through activating, experiencing, and releasing creative energy.

is supported by funds from
The Oregon Arts Commission,
a state agency funded
by the state of Oregon

Thank You Ashland Food Co-Op for a community grant of 1,000.00 to purchase Natural Earth Paint for our 2025 classes and art continuation tool kits!

Our Community Partners
Our mission is to transform communities through the mentoring of youth.
OnTrack Rogue Valley's mission is to empower individuals and families to overcome addiction, poverty and social stigma through integrative counseling, education, skills training and stable housing that sustain recovery.
Today we provide housing stability for more than 4,000 Jackson County households.
Hear what people are saying about Oregon Art on a Mission
Eddie Wallace, Director of Communications, On track Rogue Valley
"The feedback from the clients and staff was uniformly excellent and we are excited to have Oregon Art on a Mission bring ongoing monthly art classes to our clients at the Home program and the Dads program in 2024"
Jenna Sather-Hubbard,
RVM operations manager
"We are excited to continue collaborating with Oregon Art on a Mission: Linda's gentle guidance, and the beautiful finished product of her art projects, help grow youths self-confidence, encourages them to try something new and it's really fun too!"
ronelle Renner, age 9,
HAJC Group art class participant
"The cosmic sky project was awesome even though at first i got upset with how mine was turning out, then teacher linda, reminded me that even though I'm a beginner I'm really good at putting stars on and stars make everything better!
its fun to make art with my family, friends and neighbors and its at my apartment community room right next to our playground! Linda is a best teacher because she is kind and patient and encourages me to follow my intuition"

Informal community Art Education and supplies
HAJC community art class, 2023

HAJC community art class, 2023

Rogue Valley Mentoring, one to one mentor and mentee event, 2023

Moms Home program On Track Rogue Valley, cosmic sky project 2023

HAJC, community art class, 2023

Dads Program, On Track Rogue Valley, Cosmic Sky Project, 2023

Meet Linda Edholm, our Teacher, executive director and founder. learn more about her and OAM's beginnings by reading the OAM origin story

Origin Story
REPLENISHING by Shay Mallory

Oregon Art on a Mission was born through pain, love. and perseverance.
In 2015 I was in my final year at Southern Oregon University studying human communication and nonprofit management while being a single parent to my 2 sons. We were all trying to live carrying the weight and disconnect of trauma. Then it all fell apart and that's when art found me and I found my art. I was suffering from uncontrollable despair and in my anguish I wondered if I would I ever be able to be there fully for my children or anyone else or be able to finish school and do something useful and meaningful with my life and I cried out in despair "I'm so weird I must be an artist but I cant draw!" "Help me!"
Two days later I was walking to the food pantry 5 blocks down the street I lived on. At block 3 on my walk I came across a small art fair (3 booths in a parking lot). It was there where I met a wonderful person, The Artist Shay. I fell in love with one of her paintings however I had no money to buy it, we spoke for a bit and then I went on my way to get food so I could make dinner. I couldn't stop thinking about her painting "Replenishing". She had given me her business card so I decided to call her and ask if she would consider a trade. She agreed, and added the stipulation that I must also come over and make art with her. She provided me with a variety of art supplies, permission, and encouragement, as well as techniques and tips. She offered these to me freely and with love. Shay became my art teacher/mentor and friend. Seven years later art is my life. Bringing art opportunities to others in this welcoming joyful way is my mission.
Featured Artworks
Surrealist Impressions
Many Worlds, The Ambassador!
Purchase high quality prints to support OAM! All print purchases are tax deductible,
minus $75.00 each print (for production)
Minimum contribution per print $200.00
Print size is 18x24.
Thank you for supporting art & community!
Thank You!
For everyone who believes in me and saw my potential when I couldn't. Thank you
to my children, coach, family, friends, mentors, teachers, strangers and neighbors, who gave me a reason to keep fighting for life. Thank you for the music that sang me back to life. Thank you for beautiful universes of stars, colors lines and curves, darkness and light creating form, the essence of art an expression of the human soul, through emotions, thoughts and actions, with heart and hand. Thank you Nature for inspiring awe and guiding me to notice and find joy in the small and big miracles happening constantly reminding me how beautiful and mysterious life is. Thank you to all our supporters and donors for helping OAM bring people closer to each other and access their own inner artistic joy and intuition all people have inside.