Origin Story
REPLENISHING by Shay Mallory
Oregon Art on a Mission was born through pain, love. and perseverance.
In 2015 I was in my final year at Southern Oregon University studying human communication and nonprofit management while being a single parent to my 2 sons. We were all trying to live carrying the weight and disconnect of trauma. Then it all fell apart and that's when art found me and I found my art. I was suffering from uncontrollable despair and in my anguish I wondered if I would I ever be able to be there fully for my children or anyone else or be able to finish school and do something useful and meaningful with my life and I cried out in despair "I'm so weird I must be an artist but I cant draw!" "Help me!"
Two days later I was walking to the food pantry 5 blocks down the street I lived on. At block 3 on my walk I came across a small art fair (3 booths in a parking lot). It was there where I met a wonderful person, The Artist Shay. I fell in love with one of her paintings however I had no money to buy it, we spoke for a bit and then I went on my way to get food so I could make dinner. I couldn't stop thinking about her painting "Replenishing". She had given me her business card so I decided to call her and ask if she would consider a trade. She agreed, and added the stipulation that I must also come over and make art with her. She provided me with a variety of art supplies, permission, and encouragement, as well as techniques and tips. She offered these to me freely and with love. Shay became my art teacher/mentor and friend. Seven years later art is my life. Bringing art opportunities to others in this welcoming joyful way is my mission.